Saturday, August 13, 2011


People invented many inventions, and it is including technology. If we compare today’s technology to the past’s technology, of course it is victory to nowadays’ technology. And thanks to people who invented technologies, today we already have computers that helped us to get us finished our assignments.

Nothing is impossible. There is no doubt if we will have robots helping us in the future. In the future, maybe we will still have schools and teachers. But, there is also a chance that the schools and teachers in the future will not be like schools and teachers nowadays.­­ Perhaps it is not human that will teaching us, maybe it will be robots. It is not impossible.

To conclude the issue, I would like to say that there is no certainty for schools, or teachers will still exist in the future. Maybe, there will still be schools and teachers. But, as the time changes, the schools and teachers will not be the same like nowadays. There is also a possibility that schools and teachers will not exist. Probably the system will be changed, and kids will learn through the technology in the future. There are so many maybes if we talks about future.

-Ghina Faradisa Hatta XC

1 comment:

  1. Well-done, you have submitted your task in time. Good points of view, however, it's much better if you add some information/sentences in second paragraph (advantages and disadvantages. You'd better make it into two paragraphs separately.

    By: Your English teacher
